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The Identity {Project}


Twinkle, twinkle my little star. How, I wonder what you are.
"The Thunder, Perfect Mind"
-To be or not to be was the question!
Metaphysics, a branch of philosophy
#Lv2 Qualitative identity vs. numerical identity
#Lv12 Change and personal identity over time
Cultural identity, gender identity, national identity, online identity, and %processes% of identity formation.
-Next #level: Various sub-personalities
"Am I normal?"
"Am I special?"
"Am I original?"
"Am I desperate?"
"Am I a wastoid?"
"I am a time bandit"
"Who am I kidding?"
"Am I the only one?"
"I am a perfectionist"
"I am a control freak"
"I am because we are"
"I am one in a million"
"I think therefore I am"
"I am because you are"
"I don't know who I am"
"Who am I in this world?"
"Who or what am I to you?"
"I am a clown for everyone"
"I am as a/lone as I ever am"
"I am not who you think I am"
"My #character is my [prison]"
"Am I a religious schizophrenic?"
"B/#tween who I am; and who I think I am"
"I am a Man" (Sanskrit: Manus, Manuscript)
"I needed to see who I am without this [place]"
"I am an intellectual; therefore I am a Lunatic"
"I am a spy, I am the cheapest weapon to fight a war"
"I am a double zero A/gent, I'll never make it to #lv1" [MICE]
"Am I a soldier of fortune, and not a victim of circumstance?"
"Understanding who we are, is A/bout understanding who we were"
"Am I a complexion?" A {combination} of facial expression and food for thought?
"Am I a #lv6 sexually #lv12 creative creature?" Yes, according to the scientists!
"I pretend I know who I am, and I talk like I know what I am saying. I walk like, I know where I am going, and I will live like that, until the end. The #path I am walking is the only thing I remember, and that makes it alright."
"Am I too indecisive to become a leader?"
Military Div. /△ Fast decision makers wanted
Commercial Div. /△ Compassionate leaders wanted
Next level (Square [mind] coming full circle) [2:x:6]
#Lv2 Am I a cliché?
#Lv5 Am I a legend of my own {mind}?
#Lv6 Am I an #image conflict for you?
#Lv12 Am I the Sun, a star that with a gravitational {field} makes the human {mind} comes together as singularity #point of collective consciousness?
Totemistic Beliefs
{If} I was a bird; {then} I would see an eagle in the #lv6 mirror
{If} I was a cat; {then} I would see a tiger in the #lv6 mirror
{If} I was a dog; {then} I would see a wolf in the #lv6 mirror
All that matters is #lv1 who I am, before I figure out #lv4 [where] I am!
#Lv2 {If} I know more A/bout you than you do; {then} you would likely become intimidated.
The Big 5 Personality Traits (OCEAN)
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (6: Honesty)
[College]: Agreeable type
[Army]: Less agreeable!!
Illegal [C:I:A] {Project} #MKUltra
Isolation + Sleep deprivation + Drugs = Commencing a sense of an inner #identity.
"The world will ask you who you are, and if you don't know, the world will tell you." /Carl Jung!
#Lv1 Individual
#Lv11 #Individualism (1+1+1+1+1+1...+1)
#Lv11 #Existentialism (A philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.)
#Lv11 "You annoy me, therefore I exist!"
To be something, just to be someone
Most people #identify themselves with their job, even though 80% hates their menial jobs and chores.
They give you titles, so it's easier to get rid of you, because diplomacy is the art of asking you to go to [Hell] in such a manner with social skills, that you will be looking forward for the ride.
Behind every great man, there is a woman. Some say women are just like monkeys when it comes to #lv7 relationships. They won't let go of a branch before they got a grip onto the next.
Next level #Identity by perception of rank
#Lv1 On-line {ID}
Personality drives behavior. We collect and use data points to predict your behavior (Identifying your triggers).
#Lv4 We also use data points to mold democracy for the future.
You are through data points part of a social and sexual experiment.
The scientists' conclusion is, that the human species is a sexually creative creature.
With data points we break down lines on a #lv4 [map] into dots connected with lines to #lv6 reflect on mankind worldwide, just like the astronomists.
-On a personal #level!
#Lv1 My {ID-project} began with joining the [Army] simply, as an experiment before it became a CV, that the civilian employers did not count for %anything%. When, they heard I had been a deployed soldier A/broad, they wanted to have %nothing% to do with me, risking having to pay for their own #imagined PSTD of mine.
Since, I have been surprised that all the [schools] and [workplaces] I have been involved in have closed. Gone with the wind were all of my dreams, which is the #future of [mind], while the past was a construct of [mind].
A #lv1 identity was the Devil's cloak for you and me, who were born naked in the [garden] of Eden. It began with the allocation of a social security number.
A uniform shapes the man, being it a boiler suit, jumper suit, hazmat suit, space suit or a classical suit with the color of the tie to #reflect on your personality, as you gain a character (I just want to be anybody).
A nice pair of trousers to start with and the whole idea of dressing up was to show others where you found your self-esteem and %function% in [society] starting with (In German) "Der Uniform macht den Mann".
Once, you have made a choice with clothing, a #lv2 separation of the others and the way to solitude begins.
My warrior CV

Taekwondo warrior
Hobby soldier (Weekend Warrior)
Telegraph soldier
Intelligence soldier (Special reconnaissance)
Solitary soldier (Danish: Enkeltmandskæmper)
Patrol soldier
Freedom fighter
Holy warrior
Virgin warrior
Elite soldier (Six months A/lone in wilderness)
Universal soldier
Digital soldier (Specialist)
Science soldier
Star wars warrior
Fullblood warrior (Danish: En halvhjertet indsats og en helgardering)
#Lv0 Survival in nature
#Lv1 Survival in culture
#Lv2 Choices vs. changes​
#Lv0 What's the #point? - Show me how to live!
#Lv1 There can be only one!
I am Atlan
I live on Atlas
I learn in Atmos
I wonder A/bout Atman
I go online@cloud.web
I learn A/bout the Atoms as the Adams (Fathers)
My Mother was Matter (#Lv2 Matriarch vs. Patriarch)
I am a clown for everyone thinking I could become more than %nothing%, because white man means the end of Atlas.
{If} I am not a predator by nature; {then} they put me in [confinement] to become a parasite by culture.
{If} I am on-line; {then} I don't live in [Aabenraa] and I don't want to look at stuff for tourists, nor go down town to feel like one.
#Lv12 "Will I am" but once {time} comes into the #lv4 [picture] I will lose my #lv1 personal %Integrity%. 
The [Army] can help you to get rid of your unwanted personality, eg. being introvert, etc. before your personality multiplies into unorthodox #lv2 clichés (Groupings) unwanted for a [fundamental] #lv4 [community].
The holy grail to change personality and behavior goes through #lv3 communication /education!
#Lv3 Communication is a weapon technique, because the intellect were cursed from the beginning.
{If} you could just be quiet, {then} I wouldn't have to spend my time on correcting you.
#Lv4 A [plan] only lasts to the first encounter with the enemy. You must #lv1 personally be ready to adapt, improvise and overcome.
#Lv5 You are equipped with a moral {compass}.
#Lv6 You see in the #eyes that you were born in #darkness.
#Lv7 The leaping #point became that we simply had to throw ourselves into it, as life is lived forwards and understood /backwards (#Lv6 retrospective).
#Lv8 A man with no future is looking /back to his #roots.
-Identity Crisis!
#Lv12 "Religion is the solitary's escape into solitude" (Philosopher: Plotin, Neo-Platonic)
#Lv12 Destination: Walk, and be in nature as much as you can is the psychiatrist's only prescription

A galaxy of achievements

Rødekro tunnel.webp

Photo: #Light at the end of the tunnel @ [Rødekro] by the motorway #bridge (turning #point). The graffiti on the wall says "I Love Myself" in plain Danish. Before you can attract the opposite sex, that's exactly what you need to do.

-A man is worth %nothing% without his car!
It's deadly serious /up on the motorway #bridge if you're lost inside, especially on a rainy day. People throw stones from the #bridge onto the motorway because of the insane trucks, or jump right /over it to commit suicide. Media warfare:  Pay attention!
#lv12 We all just want to belong by [culture], before %loneliness% becomes our song, while the return to innocence is the return to our #roots in nature, [where] we are absolutely %nothing%!
You are %nothing% but all kinds of addictions you can come /up with, be it workaholic, non-food addiction, alcoholic, drug addiction, adrenaline rush, dopamine fix, addiction to love, or being a sex junkie, hunger for power A/mongst men, addiction to books, films, music, or the social media, etc. Whatever is your addiction, is the glue that keeps your #lv7 ship type together.
Quit smoking and watch your friends quitting you.
Quit drinking and watch them become workaholics.
#Lv1 identity began with watching them in the #lv6 mirror.
{Formula}: #Lv1 Identity + #Lv6 Mirror = #Lv7 Relativity (Logical ship types)
You are %nothing% at all, so you have to invent yourself. Years A/head you will have to reinvent yourself.
The will to self-renewal is a lifelong %process% as the rebellious /offspring of Uranus, taking Saturn (Authority) in ave as a father #image for your own /offspring.
Getting used to solitude must happen gradually, not to end in fatality. Are you longing to /return [home] after three weeks of summer vacation? Did you go /down with the [flag] when you got your pension?!
Strange, that on the same day my father died, all of my friends /disappeared!
Your Heavenly Father is waiting for you.
With a %variety% of [communities] you wanted to belong, before loneliness became your song, but these were all condemned, even in religious circles.
God wanted you for Himself and said; your children comes by you, but they do not belong to you!
#Lv0 entry point. A woman's loneliness was not to be neglected, by which you were born.
A woman wanted you for herself and a #lv2 separation of your friends became inevitable.
The LGBTQ+ culture #reflected on the fact that the woman was only interested in a friend, not a shrink who wanted to go deeper with love. God, had other ideas in matters of belonging.
As long as you are gay, you are %something% because civilization is on the contrary to nature. At least look gay in the #mirror just to attract the opposite sex, and get confused A/bout your gender as well.
#Lv7 Ship types
While the [state] is busy offering you dreams of #lv1 coming true, they were just as busy crushing them A/#gain. Only a handful could be realized with free education.
Free education only had a preventive effect A/#gainst preventing a criminal career. It is more expensive to send you to [con college], as an alternative correctional [facility] in a highly institutionalized [society], especially in the rich [countries].
Subsequently, your social skills were valued more highly than your professional skills. They would all strive for personal and professional development.
The [Army] could deliver the goods, but the gold and glamor faded in the face of it.
While you were busy with the #lv2 %separation process% with which #lv1 becomes something in the [Hunter Corps], [Marine Corps] or the [Sirius Patrol], I was busy getting rid of those who thought they should #lv1 be {field} chaplains or provosts.
The Lord would pay anything just to redeem you from your [hell], and [the state] laughs at thinking %differently% A/bout belonging to the money as your wish for belonging before the inevitable loneliness becomes your song.
It was not fun with my admission to the special forces, which now also admit civilians without any military background, just as I could get even worse colleagues in EWCOY if there was a shortage of manpower.
If you wanted a civilian education A/bove all, then it could only become a springboard with your career choice as the jumping off point. While neither the civilian nor military authorities were interested in accepting what you wanted for the future.
If there was no roe in the [box], then you were not [socially] useful [worldwide], in an already /overpopulated [world] for the preservation of the welfare [society].
Well, at least I am a pedestrian! Then I am #lv1 something, while it's not #lv4 [socially] useful, if I can't turn all the #lv12 wheels A/round the mill, simultaneously.
God #lv2 divides us, to become united in mysterious ways, while approx. 22 war veterans A/lone in the USA commits suicide every single day and 300,000 veterans are [homeless] in %average%.
8% of the deployed soldiers die in regular traffic accidents, statistically.
{If} #lv4 [society] were to recognize both psychological and physical injuries incurred in the service of #lv1 being useful for service, {then} it would be far too expensive for our [society].
The first encounter with God is the first encounter with loneliness. Like a tsunami of sorrow it rushes over your shore to crush your dreams on the contrary to a spiritual life, that most people are way too busy with stress to realize.
While all participants in the TV show "A/lone in the wilderness (USA)" complain A/bout loneliness being second only to hunger, there are some in both this TV show and "Arctic Command" who think that solitude should #lv1 be the sport.
{If} you had a wife or girlfriend at [home], {then} the %probability% would increase that you would move forward with going to archery and start to see if it could also turn into a hunting license for your manhood.
Too much association with women and too little a manhood! The next thing was that you wanted to be a sergeant. You can't use that for anything, A/lone out there in the [forest].
She wanted to do you a favor. She would want to change you! It was your reward for looking to pass your manhood test. Was it to score a girl on the weekend or complete the recruitment as a soldier? After you scored, you probably turned into a tailed type with your attire and attitudes.
A woman is probably not just an other sex or gender. It's a total %different% species. Think A/bout it!
- Changes are no good!
While changes are no good, never the less inevitable, the Devil had figured /out man: You are virus!
[Where] I could get a job, I should never find a [home]. The wages dictated that I could go to [hell], only to find that mobility would make me become a virus in the ecosystem, to the vigilance of the Devil A/round.
There was only the witch and the soldier. They wanted the same thing; to see if they could manage to live A/lone in the [forest]. She was probably better prepared to go search for mushrooms, while your ammunition would probably run out being a deer hunter.
I managed A/lone out there in the wilderness for six months which seems like forever, while I heard A/bout a witch who had lived A/lone out there for two whole years.
The thing is you should have at least one or two Ph.Ds before you have anything to apply for out [there].
Like an astronaut with knowledge in exo-biology. Here we shoot sci-fi films out in the desert with mountain landscapes to #equate as an astronaut arriving on a barren [planet].
The first thing that I saw was mountains as a beauty, but the sight is deceiving. Where there are mountains, death lurks with a lack of oxygen, falling accidents, and an overdose of minerals and metals that wash down the mountainside with the rain and contaminate the groundwater.
#Lv9 Organization (Weyland-Yutani Corp.)
1. Science Division (Danish: Naturkundskab)
2. Military Division (Danish: Tilvænning)
3. Commerce Division (English: Gear-freak)
1. Science Division (Technology, is first classified for military sovereignty enforcement before being released for commercial purposes).
Children beget children and only when your own father is 47+ years old he would want to take you out into nature to learn you how to hunt and fish. In the meantime, you had your own children and started a new #lv7 /generation for a family. But, your heavenly father will be waiting for you.
Your earthly father is a >NULL!
Your heavenly Father is only an uncle (Uncle Bully)!
Your Sun God got busy going /down in the horizon.
After 47+ years, only the creative %processes% remained, with which you could find the will to survive.
And only with the will to renewal could you pass. Meanwhile, the others didn't look like themselves anymore.
'Uncle Bully' (Cloud God) only had a few statements to make:
1. I will let the birds sing for you.
2. I will let it rain on both the good & the evil.
The rainy weather is a soldier's best friend, especially as a patrol soldier, but the civilians' worst arch-enemy. A dozen of defect umbrellas /☂ you will find in all the city's dustbins after a cloudburst.
On the #lv0 lookout for a #lv1 identity with the #lv2 excretion %processes% /underway, the {formula} is:
1+2=12 for an astrological truth, beginning with a mathematical truth that 1+2=3 to #set the #lv12 wheel in motion.
{Formula}: Inertia + momentum = multiplication
Your will to survive has #roots in the fact that you wanted to deny songs and melodies written in minor rather than major, while you knew less A/bout the seven Pythagorean church mode keys, rather than just two to start with.
God said that man should go multiply, and with the multiplication came a diversity that I couldn't vouch for. Loneliness A/#waits with the choices I make, as my choice of preference with free will or not, regardless.
#Lv4 Cultural Identity
#Lv1 Individualism
#Lv2 Clichés
#Lv4 Fundamentalism
#Lv4 Extremist culture
#Lv7 Ship types
#Lv4 The [commune] would take up the fight A/#gainst loneliness as a campaign with the slogan "We march A/#gainst loneliness", but mobility takes precedence.
Typically, it has to be a #lv4 extremist [culture], and here one goes A/head with a 1,600 km march. Go to Hell and have a good trip! The extremist [culture] turned into everything that has to do with education, work, sports & leisure time.
{If} you are looking forward to becoming a soldier in the [Army], {then} of course it will have to be in the special forces, since #extremism is being cultivated.
#Lv1 Being an ordinary soldier just isn't good enough. Neither, is a rank of private first class (PFC-1) good enough, it has to be at least a sergeant, because of the heroism in the movies.
Everyone wants the limelight, but no one knows it's Satan's [circus] and He said to me in German:
"You all just make fools on selves [here]!"
Looking for a breakthrough? Look no further! Congrats you made it to the planet of the fools.
Here we will cultivate the extremes with sports, science, religion, how old we can get, how much we can get to eat and become obese, with how much heroin, smokes and alcohol we can't get, and if we fail to get a breakthrough, we will go to the extreme with borderline personality disorders and become sociopaths.
If you want a breakthrough with martial arts just go to the extreme with being spectacular.
And if you want a breakthrough with learning how to play a musical instrument, just go to the conservatories, and go to the extreme afterwards with playing the guitar with your teeth or on your neck like Jimmy Hendriks or like the next /generation Steve Vai hatching out from the Guitar Institute of Technology (GIT) in California. Go to the extreme with speed-picking and exaggerated use of the tremolo.
Go to the extreme and eject yourself into space and face the fact, that there will be no way, you would want to go back to the planet of fools and its 7 billion inhabitants making fools of themselves in Satan's [circus].
Go to the extreme with religion or politics and become radical.
Go to the extreme with sexual behavior and become a homosexual, transgender, pedophile, have incestuous relationships, or sex with pets, etc.
Go to the extremes with how fast a sportscar you can have or go to the extremes with how cheap a brand new and reliable car you can have, but still go to the extreme with how extra equipment you could stuff into your cheapest car you could find.
Go to the extremes with your haircut, your cosmetics and your tattoos.
Go to the extremes with a pair of expensive shoes, cloths, suits, watches and jewelry you can have, before you just want something else tomorrow.
Go to the extreme with your stamp collection, or record/album collection or collection of antiques, or collection of books no one would ever read A/#gain as we #gain from on-line services.
Go to the extreme and become swagged out in any way you can, before you voluntarily would want to become a minimalist.
Go to the extreme with religious fundamentalism, and annihilate the infidels, which by interpretation means all of the Christians. The Christians had their free will but would rather be extremists with Pantheism believing in whatever/whoever as long as mis-information spreads six times faster on the internet for a personal breakthrough in this matter.
Go to the extreme with both politics and religion and feed your cat with personal traits until your cat also become obese.
Look A/round you, there's no one in the crowd, and you will go to the extreme to see if you could get that edge it takes for a personal breakthrough, even a woman would want to breed her way out of her misery, that she wasn't extreme enough to play her part in this cultivation of extremism.
If you want a real [estate] just for yourself, you better learn how to sell them in the first [place], and go to the extreme with getting into business, because nobody wants to live in a [home] another man built.
If you aren't extreme enough, you can still just take on menial jobs and chores, and go to the extreme with the A/#mount of work hours you spend on it and become a workaholic, just to take your mind /off 'things'.
#Lv12 With creative %processes% you can keep going with your will to survive at age 47+. There is a [memoir] left to write to #reflect on the past entity, though no one would ever read it, unless you had made yourself become noticed in the public sphere, as a president or prime minister, with a complete [biography] that could become a bestseller.
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