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The Tangent -/ⵔ

7. %Constant% linear velocity (CLV) vs.

7. %Constant% angular velocity (CAV).

7. Momentum (quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity).

A mathematical %constant% in the universe (8) does not exist. Hence Einstein's #lv7 relativity theory is not persistent, but only #relative.

Successive approximation (7) enumerates a logarithmic scale (7: relativity).

The seventh note in a Pythagorean tone scale in an octet (8) is called a lead note leading towards the rest node (8).

The Pythagorean relative number times frequency interval B/#tween the notes in a scale, was in equivalency relative numbers B/#tween the known distances B#/tween the planets in our solar system back then, before the discovery of the trans-saturnian planets.


The discovery transformed the holistic (6) symphony (7) from one whole octet into 1½

octet (12) with the mechanical development of the pasts production technologies %tolerances% of the tools to measures angels with divided 360/12=30º the equilibrium of the tool's limitations.

Abstraction layer 7A: Astrophysics (numeral universe physical layer) (o/rientation).
Abstraction layer 7B: Astronomy (logical link layer) (Navigation).
Abstraction layer 7C: Astrology (phenomenal universe intuitive layer) (interpretation).

And the #lv6 Virgo (measurement) placed the weights on the #lv7 Libra (tool of invention for measurement). The legend and myth are the same in Egypt with Anubis/Horus in the [realm] and [reign] of the death to come, meaning beyond the #visible and true #horizon for navigational purposes in the #skyline beyond #daylight.

Tip: Do not turn your political or religious #lv7 leadership into a dictatorship. Breed some more in an already /overpopulated world sustaining the welfare.

#Lv7 #bridge officer. capt.'s [#log]: {If} you seriously believed you could rule for more than five days and five nights in a row; {then} you have failed to /understand that the world does not sleep A/long with you.


And the Lord said, man does not rule!

As only a liaison officer on the #lv7 #bridge you might have figured out that you wanted to be an admiral in the fleet instead of a captain. The Star★Trek franchise will #enlighten you with an awful A/mount of wasted hours with your #lv7 ship type: Viewership.



Seven Heavens and seven underworlds. Seventh son of a seven son from an unbroken line (#Lv7 Kinship). Orion as [7:7:7] not part of the Zodiac [6:6:6]. The #source of the #light. Matriarch (Mother Mary) to the crucifixion of #light (Jesus Christ).

The 7th house is not populated in my native tropical horoscope and yet I live on a street in house no. 25 (In numerology 2+5=7). This [home] has no guests, no parties, no heathen traditions. It's in solitude to endure the #lv8 hardships.

#Lv7 Generations [X:Y:Z]

>Next #level [8:∞:8] I don't breed a next #lv7 /generation, I #lv1 re-invent myself!


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